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Saturday, June 1, 2019

May 2019 Update

Dear Member, 

Children and Pets

We moved into our home on Sanders Court in October 1998 with our dog, Simon.  My daughter, Kate, was 13 at the time and she lived with us part time.  In 1998, there were only a handful of dogs and children in the neighborhood.  Now there are 21 children and numerous dogs all interacting, playing and walking/riding in the street.  
Please watch out for our children as you drive Sanders Court as they are often preoccupied.  Please also be courteous to your neighbors and pickup after your dogs while walking them. Let's make our neighborhood both pet and child friendly.

Home for Sale

The former home of Marcie Valdovino's mother, Loramae Mcgee, at 8293 Sanders Court is listed for sale by London Properties, 559.436.4000.  

May Weather

May weather was quite a mix ending with a high temperature of 58 degrees on the day before Memorial Day.  The 2.38 inches of rain received during May put us over the average for the year by more than 1/2 inch.  Now we're on our way to triple digit temperatures.  Stay cool and remember the 58 degrees last week.

Consumer Confidence Report

The annual SWRCB 2018 Consumer Confidence Report has been completed and is available on the Belmont Water Corporation website. It can be viewed by clicking here. This annual report is provided to inform water users about the monitoring of the water quality of the Belmont Water Corporation system.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Change your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 100% for the next three months.  

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was uncharacteristically down from April to 44,900 gallons per household. Usage was 26% better than the target and last year. Year to date usage was 15% better than target and 30% better than last year.  May was the lowest recorded usage since we started keeping records in 2012. May 2012 usage was over 105,000 gallons per household.  Great work everyone.  Click here for a larger view.  

1,2,3-TCP Mitigation

We met with the SWRCB and our engineers to plan for the pilot program which will be designed as an accelerated trial to simulate a year's normal home usage in about 12 weeks.  The engineers will be using the information obtained at the meeting to develop the trial plans.

Settlement funds are still in the attorney's trust account, but we are making some progress.

If you have any questions, please call Nic Pope or Mike Emigh.

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