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Saturday, September 1, 2018

August 2018 Update

Dear Member:

August Weather

The last few days of August were quite nice especially after the scorching July and early August.  It felt like Autumn was in the air.  The fires still burning at month's end added beautiful sunsets.

Read more here:

Belmont Country Club

The Belmont Country Club Annual Proprietary Member Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 6, 2018. A buffet dinner will be served at 6:00PM with the meeting beginning at 6:30PM.  If you are a proprietary member, please attend.  Decisions made by club effect all in the neighborhood.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Change your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 80%.  If you have a Rachio controller, the seasonal shift was made for you this morning automatically.
Check your controllers after a power outage and reset.  It may reset itself to a default program and water on different days and times. Several homes were noted to be watering on non-water days.  
It is also best to water during the non-daylight hours.  Less water is lost to evaporation.

New Neighbor

Andrew Jacob Breckenridge was born to Chris and Belina Breckenridge this month.  Andrew joins his two older brothers in the Breckenridge household.  Welcome to the neighborhood.

Water Operator

Mike and Ingrid Gerosa have sold their home on the 5th Tee and will be moving near the end of September.  Although we will miss them, we wish them the best.
Mike recently served as President of Belmont Water Corporation.  He has also been serving as the class D1 Water Distribution Operator in charge of maintenance of the well and distribution system, sampling, and reporting.  
If you are interested in taking his place, please click here for a description of the position.  Chuck Blanks was the previous operator.  The position takes a few hours per month to perform the necessary tasks.  If not filled by a member, a professional will need to engaged at a cost to the corporation and the members.

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was slightly down from July at nearly 88,000 gallons per household. It was 9% worse than the target but 2% better than last year.  Year to date, we are 12% worse than the target and 11% worse than last year. Click here for a larger view.  

Well Depth

The depth of the water in our well was checked again this month.  At seventy six feet, the water level is down three feet from January and one foot from last August.  It seems we are holding very steady.
A peach orchard just to the west of us has been removed and is slated to be replanted with almonds.  Fortunately, our well should not be impacted because both crops use about 3 acre feet of water per year.

1,2,3-TCP Mitigation

No meetings were held with Belmont Country Club to discuss the mitigation settlement.  We will continue to attempt to meet and discuss an agreement. At the settlement in February 2018, the funds were placed in an account of Robins Borghei LLP and earn no interest.
We submitted our respond to the SWRCB non-compliance citation on August 15, 2018 with a corrective action plan for the mitigation of the contamination.  We met with the Senior Engineer and staff shortly after the submission to discuss our plans.  They were satisfied with the proposal and the timeline which calls for completion by March 2021.  They also suggested that Belmont Water Corporation become familiar with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and attend meetings of the North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA).
If you have any questions, please call Nic Pope or Mike Emigh.

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