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Friday, June 1, 2018

May 2018 Update

Dear Member:

May Weather

May was a Chamber of Commerce month. If May lasted all year, we couldn't afford to live here.  Temperatures were right at normal and very pleasant.  Statistically we're done with any rain for this season.  Here comes summer. 

Read more here:

Annual Assessments

The annual assessment invoices were due on April 30, 2018.  Be sure and include your certification with your payment.  To certify on line, click here.  To print the certification form and mail with your check, click here.  Remember, there is a $100 credit coming with the certification.

Officer Election

At a board meeting held this month, Nic Pope was elected to the position of President to fill the vacancy created by Mike Gerosa's resignation.  Belina Breckenridge was elected Vice President.  Congratulations to both.  I'm very happy to see new younger faces involved in the governance of our water supply.

New Neighbors

Russ and Sun Plewinski have purchased the home formerly owned by Sam Reid and family.  Russ and Sun will be moving in late June with their two teenage sons.  Welcome to the neighborhood.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Change your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 90-100%.  If you have a Rachio controller, the seasonal shift was made for you this morning automatically.

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was up from April to nearly 61,000 gallons per household. It was 1% better than the target and the same as last year.  Year to date, we are 21% worse than the target and 39% worse than last year. Click here for a larger view.  

1,2,3-TCP Mitigation

We are working towards an agreement with Belmont Country Club on a mutually beneficial solution for both water systems.  We have made progress with a signed mediation agreement.

The notice of non-compliance with the new regulation has not been received as expected from the SWRCB.  We believe there are so many wells out of compliance that it is taking the agency time to work through the sheer numbers.  Once received, we will have 45 to 60 days to submit a general plan for mitigation.  This submission will start the clock running on actual mitigation.  We will have up to three years to complete. If you have concerns about drinking our water, you can purchase a small household activated carbon filter, such as a Brita filter.  If properly monitored, it will remove the compound.

This month we met twice with City of Fresno Public Works Department personnel.  We had a general discussion with the interim head of the department about a connection to their closest water line at the corner of Belmont and Temperance.  They do have an interest in supplying water to our well head, but there will be a large connection fee in addition to the cost of the piping. The second meeting was a tour of a filtration site at Clovis and Belmont which is treating contaminated water with granular activated carbon. Representatives of BCC and Fresno County also attended both meetings. 

If you have any questions, please call Nic Pope or Mike Emigh.

Belmont Country Club Take-out Dinners

In addition to the takeout menu, you are invited to try out the restaurant and bar.  Prices are very competitive and the fare is excellent.  Hours are 10:00AM to 2:00PM Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30AM to 4:00PM Friday, and 6:30 to 4:00PM Saturday and Sunday.  We look forward to seeing you there.

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