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Thursday, June 1, 2017

May 2017 Update

Dear Member:

May Weather

May was a pleasant month with some very different weather, only one day over 100, but three days under 70.  And, yes, there was a spot of rain. Total rain for the season was added to by .013" to a total of just over 16". 
Summer is here and will be official on June 20.  It's time to look for cooler things to do.

Consumer Confidence Report

The annual SWRCB 2016 Consumer Confidence Report has been completed and is available on the Belmont Water Corporation website.  It can be viewed by clicking here.  This annual report is provided to inform water users about the monitoring of the water quality of the Belmont Water Corporation system.


Wanda Bingham fell in her home a few weeks ago and has been undergoing treatment for a fractured hip.  Randy Grace, her grandson, is postponing her 92nd birthday party, originally scheduled for June 25, until she is recovered and can enjoy the much deserved attention.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Turn your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 100% for the next three months.

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was 61,000 gallons per household. It was 1% worse than the target and 8% worse than last year. Year to date, we are 13% better than the target and 2% better than last year.  Click here for a larger view.

Belmont Country Club Take-out Dinners

Belmont Country Club again has a new option for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night take-out dinners.  

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