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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 2016 Update

Dear Member:

May Weather

Well, it's once again summer in Fresno and it's heating up.

It was a very nice May with average high temperatures 2 degrees below the normal 86 degrees F.  Rainfall was .2" below normal at .29", but total accumulation for the year so far is over 14".  Enough rain has fallen to let the legislators take their eye off the ball with no new water storage facilities in construction or even planning.  And, Mr. Trump says, "There is no drought in California."

Water Sharing

The interconnection between BWC and BCC was closed on May 11 and reopened on May 27 when the electrical motor on the BCC pump quit working.  It has been repaired, but they are still experiencing issues with lack of air in the tank. We have kept the interconnection open, with no water flowing between the two pumps as they investigate a correction for their tank.  Once the tank is functioning properly we will again close the valves on both ends.

Annual Consumer Confidence Report

The annual Consumer Confidence Report has been submitted to the SWRCB for approval.  It should be ready for mailing sometime in June.

Neighborhood News

Jerry Murray, recovering from a recent surgery, fell and broke his leg.  We hope you feel better soon.  
Brock Montag decided he was ready to see the world and arrived early to parents, Ryan and Jessica.  Congratulations.  
Woody and Stephanie Salkin have purchased Doc Buchanan's home and will be moving in with their two young children by July 1.  Welcome to Belmont Country Club Estates.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you have a seasonal adjustment on your sprinkler controller, it's time to move to the 100% level. 

Water Conservation

Water usage in May was up with the warming weather. Usage was great and 17% better than the target, but 1% worse than last year. For the year, we are 11% better than the target and 18% better than last year. Click here for a larger view.

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