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Monday, July 6, 2015

June Update

Dear Member:

Welcome to summer.  June was nice and toasty as June's are in Fresno and only slightly warmer than normal.

Wanda Bingham turned 90 on June 29 and her birthday was celebrated by a small party on Sunday 28 at the Belmont CC.  

June's water usage was much better than last year and Fresno's targeted savings.  With half the year behind us, we are 16% better than last year and only 4% behind the target.

The above savings were realized even though most water days (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday), the street gutters are running with wasted water.  Please test check your sprinklers and controllers frequently.  Power outages and gardeners make adjustments we do not know about.  Most everyone is watering in the early morning hours, as we should, and may not see what is happening in our gardens and lawns.  

All savings measures are voluntary to date, but the time is coming when the State Water Resources Control Board will be force all water companies to enforce reductions and take action against water wasters.  Let's be proactive and reduce our usage voluntarily and not be targeted by the state.


Mainline Water Valve Locations

If you received an email last week and you know the location of your mainline water valve, please provide a complete location description which includes a capped opening at ground level, we will add your valve to the "located" list.

The board plans to hire a plumber to locate the missing valves after August 1, 2015. If you know the location of your valve, or would like to find it on your own, you have until August 1 to provide the location. Those members with valves of unknown locations will be charged a pro-rata share of the locating expense.

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