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Monday, June 29, 2015

Mainline Water Valves

Dear Member:

It is important to both you and Belmont Water Corporation to know the exact location of the main shut off valve for each home. Belmont Water Corporation needs the location to plan for future upgrades, repairs and meters. You, the homeowner, need to know in the location in the event of a break in the line in or leading up to your home. Over the years, as problems arose, the locations of some of these valves were discovered by the homeowner.

We have no complete records or maps of the location of the main shut off valve for each of the homes in the association.

Yesterday, a committee of the board of directors attempted, unsuccessfully, to use pipe locating equipment to locate the valves on the Sanders Court side. We did find the location of 17 of the 40 valves in the system, each with a covered opening at ground level height. The valves were generally placed near the center of the front property line and in from the curb several inches to almost three feet, although that was not true in all cases. There were seven homes with W or X marked on the curb, but the actual valve location is still not known. We did not look for valves on the northwest homes.

Locating the remaining valves will require professional expertise. If you know where your valve is and can provide a complete location description which includes a capped opening at ground level, we will add your valve to the "located" list. The board plans to hire a plumber to locate the missing valves after August 1, 2015. If you know the location of your valve, or would like to find it on your own, you have until August 1 to provide the location. Those members with valves of unknown locations will be charged a pro-rata share of the locating expense.Thank you for your assistance.

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