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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

April 2019 Update

Dear Member, 

Linda Bynum

Our neighbor, Linda Bynum, passed away on April 10 after a short illness.  Our thoughts go out to her husband, Alan, and her family.  Alan and Linda moved to Sanders Court in 2015.  Their daughter, Cassondra, and her family moved into the neighborhood just last year. 

Neighborhood Lighting

After the break-ins last month, it's good to see more lighting in the neighborhood.  Thieves prefer to work in the shadows and more light is a good deterrent. 

April Weather

It was a warm April with just a spot of rain which brought the total for the year to 9.47 inches, just 1.23 inches behind normal.  Abundant snowfall in the Sierra's will help recharge groundwater in the valley.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Change your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 80%.  

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was seasonably up from March to 47,400 gallons per household. It was 65% worse than the target and 22% worse than last year. Year to date usage was 8% better than target and 31% better than last year.  Click here for a larger view.  

1,2,3-TCP Mitigation

An agreement was signed this month to transfer the settlement funds to a trust account in Fresno, but the transfer ran into a snag when the intended trustee said he could not serve.  Once a trustee is found, the funds will be transferred.  A meeting with the SWRCB is scheduled to begin planning for the pilot program.

If you have any questions, please call Nic Pope or Mike Emigh.