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Friday, December 1, 2017

November 2017 Update

Dear Member:

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

November Weather

It's fog season once again.  We can start looking forward to days with minimal sun and chilling cold.  November, on the other hand, was very warm with high's three degrees higher than normal.  Lows were four degrees higher.  There was only one small storm delivering rain in November which accumulated to only .28".  For the season, we are now 1.33" behind normal.  It appears that last year's bountiful rain was just a brief respite from the drought.

Air in Lines and Low Water Pressure

We experienced low water pressure and air in the lines during November.  Depending on the location of your home, the severity varied, with some having no problems.  It was determined that the storage tank air relief valve was plugged.  This valve allows a certain amount of air to escape from the storage tank as it is filled from the well pump.  Air accumulated in the storage tank and was pushed out with the water as the tank emptied. The valve is now operating properly, but it may take several days for all the trapped air to be purged from the lines.  The air in the pipes may also dislodge rust and sediment.  Check to see if your faucet filters need cleaning.

Watering Rules

Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Change your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 10% unless you received a new free Rachio Smart Controller from Fresno County.  It will make all the necessary adjustments for you.

Click here to view a short video.

There still may be time to apply for your free Rachio controller.  They expected the funding to be available to mid-December.  The flyer that explains the program can be found here.  Call Dahris Felden, Customer Coordinator, Valley Soil, Inc. at 951-775-5532 instead of using the website.  Do not delay, call today.

Water Conservation

Water usage for the month was down from October to 42,000 gallons per household. It was 28% worse than the target and 19% worse than last year. Year to date, we are now 5% worse than the target and 2% worse than last year.  Click here for a larger view.

Belmont Country Club Take-out Dinners

In addition to the takeout menu, you are invited to try out the restaurant and bar.  Prices are very competitive and the fare is excellent.  Hours are 10:00AM to 2:00PM Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30AM to 4:00PM Friday, and 6:30 to 4:00PM Saturday and Sunday.  We look forward to seeing you there.