April Weather
April is time for baseball and the beginning of NBA playoff games which seem to last longer than the regular season.April showers were with us this year with 2" coming in one day of thunder storms. It was quite lovely. Total rain for the season is 4 1/2" above normal at just over 16". Temperatures for April were right at normal for the month. It will be interesting watching reservoir management as the huge snow pack begins to melt. With most of the run off going to the Pacific Ocean rather than storage, we should be hearing more about plans for new dams, but we probably won't.
Our good friend and neighbor Del Walker is going through some health issues. All of our best to you, Del and Susan. Our thoughts will be with you during your time of treatment.Nic and Katie Pope are having a Cinco de Mayo party from 4:00 to 7:00 on Sunday, May 8. All in the neighborhood are invited.
Randy Grace, Wanda Bingham's grandson, is hosting a 92nd birthday party for her on June 25 at Belmont Country Club from 1:00 to 3:00. Once again, all in the neighborhood are invited.
Watering Rules
Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Turn your sprinkler controller seasonal setting to 80%.
Water Conservation
Water usage for the month was 30,000 gallons per household. It was 4% worse than the target but 19% better than last year. Year to date, we are 22% better than the target and 10% better than last year. Click here for a larger view.