July daily high temperatures averaged 1 degree higher than normal at 100 degrees. The last week of July at an average high of 104 made the entire month seem warmer. We received exactly the average rainfall of for the month, zero rainfall.
Director Moi
Chris Moi announced his resignation from the Belmont Water Corporation board of directors at the last meeting. He has accepted a new position and is moving with his family to the bay area. Thank you for your work on the board and best wishes to you and your family. We'll miss you.
Well Inspection
The SWRCB inspected the well and tank in early July. The recent installation of a concrete pad around the well head resulted in good report from the inspector.
Watering Rules
Please water only three days per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you have a seasonal adjustment on your sprinkler controller, you should look to dial it back to the 80% level toward the end of the month as daily temperatures begin to cool.
Water Conservation
Water usage was up again in July to almost 91,000 gallons per household, 12% worse than the target, and 13% worse than last year. For the year, we are still slightly better than last year at 2% better than the target but 1% worse than last year. July's usage was the highest monthly usage seen in the last 3 years. The cost of electricity to pump our water was 69% over budget for the month of July. Click here for a larger view.