Dear Member:
It’s best to water between 10:00PM to 6:00AM to reduce loss of moisture due to evaporation. It’s difficult to see if your sprinklers are working correctly during this time period, because most of us are not yet awake. It’s also a good idea to operate your sprinkler systems in a test cycle to see if sprinklers are working and aimed properly. Watering the street does nothing for your lawn and flower beds and wastes precious water.
Please do not irrigate during peak hours. Much of the water used during this time evaporates rather than irrigating your plants. PG&E summer electrical peak time rates (1:00PM to 7:00PM) began May 1 and run to October 31. These rates are nearly four times the cost of off-peak rates. The cost of pumping increases during peak periods contributes to higher water rates.
Although the cities of Fresno and Clovis have reduced watering days, BWC is still on a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule until further notice.
Thank you for your support,
Board of Directors